Heating and Air Conditioning Experts Answer HVAC FAQ’s
The new year is an opportunity to have a fresh start and reevaluate daily habits in every aspect. In regards to heating, ventilation, and air conditioning, there are goals to be made for the new year as well.
To start the year off on a good note, here are some answers to the top questions that people ask about HVAC system which can help you avoid a cooling or heating emergency.
Improving Air Quality
Q: How can you improve air quality in a home?
A: Proper ventilation is essential to improving the air quality in the home.
If a home has poor air quality, it can be improved by opening the windows, utilizing fans, and using a ventilator, humidifier or other systems. Keeping the house clean in general will also reduce the number of particles in the air. Improving air quality doesn’t have to be complicated, proper ventilation can work wonders.
Q: Is an air purifier worth it?
A: There are many affordable air purifiers and humidifiers that claim to improve air quality.
While some of these tools do have some powerful benefits, others may be hiding dangerous chemicals if they’re not high-quality so be wary of products that sound too good to be true. A high-quality purifier or electrolyzer will use technology to remove toxins, particles, and germs from the air. Humidifiers add moisture to the air, as a too dry environment can be bad for health. On the flip side, there are also dehumidifiers for environments that are too moist.
Changing Air Filters
Q: What is an air filter and why are they important?
A: Air filters are placed inside of the HVAC unit or inside of the vents to filter the air, removing particles such as dust and hair.
Changing air filters is a simple but powerful step towards improving air quality in a home.
Q: How often should air ducts be changed?
A: Filters should be changed every three to six months depending on the home.
If there are pets in the house, the filter should be changed every two months. Changing the air filter only takes a couple of minutes and it drastically improves the air quality of the space.
Air Duct Cleaning
Q: What are air duct cleaning services for?
A: Just like the filter, the air ducts can become dirty as dust, dirt, hair, and particles are passed through the ducts with the air.
Over time, these particles can build up on the inside of the ducts, cause system damage, and compromise the quality of air. Air duct cleaning services are offered by HVAC companies to clean out the insides of the ducts, preventing any problems and improving the quality of the air.
Q: How often do air ducts need to be cleaned?
A: Air ducts should be cleaned at least every three to five years.
If visible signs of dust are seen in the home more frequently or the people in the home are experiencing increased respiratory problems, it could mean that it is time for an air duct cleaning. Homes with smokers, pets, dust, or an older home should invest in more often air duct cleaning services than other homes.
Call Buric Heating and Air Conditioning
Buric Heating and Air Conditioning are committed to delivering HVAC services with outstanding workmanship to Laurel and the surrounding communities. Buric Heating and Air Conditioning has a team of highly trained HVAC professionals.